Who Can Apply
If you are enrolled in the 6th-8th grade at one of our Partner sites, you can apply for a Youth Opportunity scholarship to try something new!
Apply for up to $250 to cover the cost of a class or program you want to do, such as dance classes, music lessons, art courses, sports and more. Check out the resource lists for ideas.
How to Apply
- Make sure you are eligible. YOS accepts applications from low income youth attending our Partner organizations programs. To become a Partner organization, please contact us.
- If you attend one of these Partner programs, contact your YOS Site Liaison to receive an application and find out when the applications are due.
- Choose an activity that really interests you! Make sure space is available in the program. Double check that it works with your schedule and that you have a way of getting there and back.
- When your application is complete, return it to your YOS Site Liaison by the due date.